Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Fablehaven was the coolest book ever. It was scary and had a lot of mystery. The main people are Kendra and Seth. Seth is the most trouble making and Kendra is a lot smarter than most people. This book is called The Dragon Sanctuary, it is realy scary and exciting. But first you have to read the firts, second and third books to understand the forth book.

Just Finished

I just finished Earagon. A 753 page book, it is really good. If you have seen the move then you need to read the book, the book is much better. The main person in the book is Eragon, he was fifteen when he found a dragon egg. When the dragon hatched he named her Saphire. So know you have to read the book to find out more.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Sorry I havent writen in a while I have been very very busy. On the 20Th my cousin came to our house. This is my mom and Aunt Sarah making Carmel and raspberry pop corn will my brother,sister,dad, uncle, and cousin went on a hike. I stayed behind because I wanted to play on the wii. And yes I did take this picture of them getting very messy.

Zions Canyon

During spring break me and my family went to Zions Canyon. We went to all the rock formations, my favorite rock is call the Weeping Rock, which was literally dropping water from the inside of the rock. When we finished looking at the rock formation we went to eat dinner at the Buffalo Grill, I had the most delicious Buffalo burger. We rented a cabin for a night a drove around to see what we could see. while we were driving around we saw a heard a Buffalo, the buffalo on the top is looking right at us. Then we had marshmelos with some new people we met. Then we all went to slept.

Science Fair Project

In February we had our school Science Fair Project. There were alot of cool science projects. My project was on how planes stay in the air, by using Bernoulli's principle. He said that when air is moving faster over an object it has less pressure, and air moving under the object has more pressure. This is the same with an air planes wings. The air moving over the wings has less pressure will the air moving under the wings as more pressure enabling it to stay in the air.